BCIS Analyses XML Schema - Introduction


BCIS is pleased to present an XML schema for elemental cost analyses of building projects. The schema has been produced following consultation with various interested parties within the industry and it is made available for adoption wherever appropriate.

The first priority when developing the analyses schema was to be able to export analyses from the BCIS Online service which could then be imported into applications written by system houses supporting the construction industry. As from 5 October 2001, subscribers to the BCIS Online service can download analyses from the system in the analyses XML format and some third party applications now support BCIS analyses XML files.

Another important role for the new schema is the potential for submitting analyses to BCIS for publication. Analyses would not be entered directly in XML format, but the same system houses which will be configuring their systems to import analyses will also be adding the ability to export analyses in this format and within the next 12 months BCIS will be offering a spreadsheet application which can be used to enter analyses and then save them as an analyses XML file.

In the short term BCIS has produced a spreadsheet for subscribers which can be used to import analyses stored in XML format which can be used for demonstration purposes and as an alternative means for Online subscribers to work with analyses extracted from the system.

The Analyses Schema

This definition is designed to facilitate the exchange of elemental cost analyses of building projects using a standard form of cost analysis (sfca). All the examples are based on the BCIS sfca (1973 edition), but the schema is intended to be capable of working with other forms of analysis.

Version 1.0 of the BCIS analyses schema can be found at http://www.bcis.co.uk/xml/analyses_v10.xsd. An example xml file based on this schema is available at http://www.bcis.co.uk/xml/ExampleAnalysis.xml.

Overview of the data

The assumption is that one or more analysis will be exchanged within an Analyses file.

         {  Analysis (1)
            Analysis (n)

At the analyses level the number of Analysis elements included is given and the date the set was created.

The data within an analysis is broken down as follows:

        {   Identification {1...n}
            Complex Contract {0, 1}
            Building Description {0...10}
            Dates {0...10)
            Size {0...10}
            Functional Units {0...10}
            Location {0...10}
            Contractual Information {0...10}
            Contract Breakdown {0..2}
            Average Storey Height {0..3}
            Design Shape {0..10}
            Credits {0...10}
            Elements {1}
            Adjustments {0...2}

Status and development

The current schema is a provisional release of version 1.0. No changes of substance will be made to this version of the schema although minor corrections following the development and trial of dependant systems may be required.

BCIS welcomes feedback on the schema and suggestions for improvement and extension.

A group of definitions will eventually be required to support the exchange of cost analyses: a definition for the analyses themselves and the element library (sfca) on which the analysis is based.

A description of the information requirements addressed by the schema is also available

Third Party Applications

Analyses exported from BCIS Online as XML files can now be used with a number of cost estimating packages, including:

Company Product Link
Causeway QuickEst http://www.causeway.com/
CSSP RIPAC http://www.cssp.co.uk/

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Revised 23-Jan-2015

© BCIS 2015.

This information may not be republished without the written permission of BCIS.

The schema and supporting documents on this site are provided so that others can develop applications which make use of the schema and the material on this site can be used for that purpose provided that it is understood that BCIS cannot accept any responsibility for losses directly or indirectly resulting from such use.